
Links February 22, 2013

To enrich the link lists and to demonstrate how it is possible to remain sane and calm in the face of crime, mayhem, destruction, and unimaginable suffering, link collections from now on will include pictures from the cat family.

Every now and then the NY Times still tries to pose as a liberal newspaper
Gandhi mirror DSCN2448
Gandhi wants to know
Gandhi Sumo computer DSCN2430
Bridging generations. Gandhi and Sumo, the youngest (1/2) and the oldest cat (15)
Mia Gandhi carpet DSCN2499
Mia and her son Gandhi
Min Ki tree snow DSCN2461
Where is the cat? Princess Min Ki fits well into the scenery (chameleon cat)
Sumo forest snow DSCN2484While Sumo prefers to stay on the ground
Wendy guitars DSCN2511
And Wendy prefers to stay home and wait for warmer days

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